Growing into Spring
Spring is around the corner ! Can you feel the subtle change in the breeze, the warmer nights and the brighter mornings ? In Lisbon, flowers have already started to blossom. Spring is a time of growth and renewal, so this month in class we will explore the themes of taking roots and blooming, with a special focus on cleansing breathing techniques.
In February, I stopped watching the news and I started reading poems instead. I especially enjoy those of Mary Oliver, the late American author, winner of the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize. Here’s my favorite one from her. This Instagram account regularly publishes some of her work.
For Voilà Wellness, I’m organizing a free Desk Yoga session on March 10th.
If you work at a desk most days, you might enjoy learning about a few classic yoga poses to relieve tension in the neck, shoulders and hips, specifically adapted to the office environment.
See below how to join the webinar !
Monday March 10th
12h30 Lisbon time / 13h30 Paris time.
Online, through LinkedIn Live. Mark your calendar and sign up below to receive the link to attend.
I’ve been listening to audiobooks rather than podcasts lately, and I especially enjoy those narrated by their author.
This is a modern classic, well worth a listen. It clarifies the concept of habits, how to form them and how to stick with them and made me reflect on my multiple habits, good and bad !
Available for free with Spotify Premium, right here.
The Albuquerque Foundation is a new addition to Sintra’s list of wonderful cultural institutions.
An impressive private collection of Chinese ceramics from the Ming and Qing dynasties (16th to 18th centuries), a beautiful garden for kids to run around, and a simple but delicious café : the recipe for a perfect Sunday, especially if it’s sunny.
And a few quotes, why not:
“The quality of your life is not determined by the quality of your positive experiences, but the quality of your negative experiences. And to get good at dealing with negative experiences is to get good at dealing with life (…)
"Who you are is defined by the values you are willing to struggle for."
Excerpts from this thought-provoking article by Mark Manson, aptly named, The most important question of your life.
Our theme in class this month will be Root & Rebound. We will explore the concept of growth and renewal in different standing poses, especially warriors, start playing with handstand and also practice several different cleansing pranayama techniques, such as Kapalabhati.
Tuesday 18h15 - Yin-Yang Yoga
Wednesday 8h45 - Mindful Flow
! NEW TIME ! Wednesday 10h30 - Baby & Me
NO CLASS on the first week of March
J’encadre 7 retraites en français avec Namastrip autour de Lisbonne cette année. De superbes séjours bien-être où tout est pensé pour se détendre. Et faire un peu de yoga aussi :)
Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.
Surf & Yoga à Ericeira:
9 - 13 Avril
27 - 31 Mai
Equilibre & Energie à Villa Epicurea:
23 - 27 Avril
7 - 11 Mai
5 - 9 Juin
10 - 14 Septembre
1 - 5 Octobre