All about Love

We made it through January, and that was far from easy. From here on, it can only get better. At least I choose to believe that.

It felt like the most dramatic month ever, between the devastating fires in Los Angeles, the rise of autocracy and fascism pretty much everywhere in the world, and the ambient non-sense and hypocrisy from power-obsessed rich old white men. 

I have to admit I’m a bit appalled by the overall feeling of resignation. It seems like we’re all watching unbelievable events unfold in front of our very eyes, without taking any action to resist. Are we really that powerless in the face of adversity ?

Image from Thomas Lélu

Earlier this month, I’ve thought about quitting all Meta platforms, and later abandoned the idea: what difference would it make anyway ? I’m afraid I would lose touch with too many people. Upon moving to California in 2017, I had deleted my Facebook and Instagram accounts entirely. I stayed off social media for about 5 years, and although I did lose a few friends in the process, this was perhaps the happiest, most care-free time of my life.

For now, I did review and change the settings of my accounts so to better protect the data I’m willing to share with the apps. Follow this tutorial to review yours, it takes 5 minutes.

Also when you open Instagram, you can select the option “Following” instead of the default “For you” on the top left of the screen to see only content from people you actually follow instead of the suggested feed full of ads and random memes. 

February, the month of love, couldn’t have come earlier : we’re all going to need and to give more love in the weeks ahead. 

This month in class, we’ll focus on Ahimsa, or non-harming. Ahimsa is the first of the 5 Yamas (moral values), the first of Patanjali’s 8-limbs of yoga, and often considered as the most important. It is the act of being kind to ourselves and to each other, in actions, speech and thoughts. BKS Iyengar defines Ahimsa as “a wider positive meaning – love.” Ahimsa is really about kindness and love to all living beings and indeed an essential value to cherish and practice right now. 


  • A visit to Monserrate Palace. Hidden deep in the Sintra forest, this is a gem of romanticism. The building is pretty but the gardens are what wowed me the most, with their incredible variety of plants, cacti, trees, flowers and even waterfalls. No wonder this used to be a writers’ retreat center, it’s easy to imagine spending days in this magical environment to create. If you’re in the area, don’t miss it.

  • Austin Kleon’s series of audiobooks : Steal like an artist, Show your work and Keep Going are an inspiring resource to better understand creativity and the creative process (the trilogy is free with Spotify Premium). His newsletters are also great.

  • This article about how gyms & studios have become the place to mingle.  Exactly what I’m trying to foster with Baby & Me classes ! Not only do pregnant women or women with newborns come to practice yoga, hence moving & breathing together in a relaxing & supportive environment, but they also get to meet and connect with peers going through similar stages of the motherhood journey. It’s my most popular and probably favorite class, it’s so much love !

And a quote, why not:

"We need, in love, to practice only this, letting each other go. For holding on comes easily, we do not need to learn it." Rainer Maria Rilke


 J’encadre 7 retraites en français autour de Lisbonne cette année. Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.

Surf & Yoga à Ericeira:
  April 9 - 13
May 27 - 31

Equilibre & Energie à Villa Epicurea:
April 23 - 27
May 7 - 11
June 5 - 9
September 10 - 14
October 1 - 5



Our theme in class this month will be Ahimsa, or non-violence. Loving ourselves means to be kind to ourselves and our bodies. I’m excited to explore this theme with you on the mat. 

Tuesday 10h30 - Baby & Me at Mrs Lemon 

Tuesday 18h15 - Yin-Yang Yoga

Wednesday 8h45 - Mindful Flow

Wednesday 11h - Baby & Me

A few reminders:

  • Packages expire 3 months after you took your first class, unless I granted you an extension towards end of pregnancy/birth.

  • Classes from a package are not limited to one type of class, you can use them for any of my classes (except Mrs Lemon’s). 


Photo by Justeen Rhodes




Growing into Spring


Happy 2025 !!